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Shadowalker Story


The album acts as a prelude to the Dystopia album, showing a personal reflection of the character, theProphet's, inner transformation that he had to undergo as he walks through this Dystopian world, preparing himself for a mission so great and paramount to the fate of mankind, that he himself would not realize the true nature of it's destination, or the consequences of his actions in pursuing it. This is as tale of a man haunted by his past, wracked by guilt, and surrounded by a world that is celebrating in it's own moral decay. Consider these songs to be reflections on a spiritual transformation, brought upon by "little entities" that work magick far beyond the comprehension of most mortal entities, including even theProphet the time of his first contact.




Click any of the above links to see the respective lyrics or the artwork that I have designed for the release, using photo manipulation software, and creatie commons images that I appropiated for my own use.

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